Jack's Blog

Professional nuisance, semi-pro soapboxer

First Post, Hello World, etc.

June 12, 2023 — Jack Potter

Well, I didn't have Twitter and Reddit racing to destroy themselves on my 2023 bingo card, but here we are. I figure it's time to re-embrace the web 1.0 ethos and aesthetics, since I don't really care about moving to Mastodon or Lemmy or any other social media platform.

Maybe in a few months I'll realize that this stance is a little too "old man yells at cloud" and rejoin the rest of the modern world, but until then I think I'm going to try and keep a blog here. If nothing else, it'll force me to finally practice a little bit with Markdown, HTML, and CSS. I'm currently using bashblog to turn Markdown into static pages (at least, I'm planning to. I suppose if you're reading this I was probably successful).

Tags: meta-blog-post, personal-update